Open 5 days a week, Thursday and Sunday only by appointment

Pediatric Care

No Tears Dentistry for Children

Our philosophy is to have your child the most pleasant and memorable experience for life in the dental chair.
Traumatizing a toddler/child to get his treatment done is one of the most fearful and dreaded experience for the child, parents and the dentist. We try to treat your child in a friendly way with minimal stress/ anxiety.
Timely, information on deciduous dental care, nutrition, metabolic characteristics of deciduous tooth structure help prevent your child‘s teeth and gum disease from the very beginning and prevent disease progression. A proper maintenance of the child's teeth at home and timely high-quality dental exam/treatment is an invaluable investment in the child's oral health.
As soon as the first tooth appears, you should start an collaboration with your family dentist.
Furthermore, with the advances in Sedation dentistry (nitrous and/or oral sedation) we can treat your child in the most cheerful and pleasant way possible. Uncooperative cases can be consulted onsite with the specialists to treatment plan definitive care under hospital based setting (general anaesthesia).

Philips Zoom Blue LED light-accelerated technology and gel whitens teeth rapidly while Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (ACP) helps deliver enamel protection, improve luster and reduce sensitivity.

Children’s Corrective Dentistry –Pain free dental treatment

Children's tooth decay (caries) treatment

Decay affects both the deciduous and permanent teeth. It is important to periodically visit your dentist in order to get teeth checked for any decay and appropriate intervention. With newer materials, techniques and minimal tooth cutting appropriate definitive care can be provided to the children pain free.

Orthodontic Treatment for Children

Early intervention and correction of children’s teeth anomalies can prevent expensive and time consuming difficult orthodontic therapies. The use of space maintainers help prevent space loss and maintain the proper health and alignment of teeth.

Surgical procedures for children

  • Milk- tooth removal – extraction of the tooth which inhibits the growth of permanent teeth or risk of aspiration for the child.
  • Frenectomy – Buccal or lingual -surgical diastema (the space between the front teeth) treatment or tongue tie.

Recommendations for the parents

  • Regular evaluation of oral health and dental consultation as soon as the first tooth erupts in oral cavity.
  • Use of toothpaste with fluoride (it protects children's teeth as soon as they appear).
  • Children with high caries risk, are recommended a professional fluoride application 2 times a year.
  • The reduction of sugary drinks, especially from the bottle at night.